Fork 0
Fanir e1b0e83e98 redone configuration: is now in an external file, parsed with configobj
redone logging, now using module logging of the standard library
added argument "checkconf" for viewing the configuration
added configuration options for external apis
added option to wait between channel privmsgs
added DuckDuckGo command
prepared Forecast command
2014-03-05 15:44:04 +01:00

91 lines
2.5 KiB

### BOT ###
# The Server name to connect to. Duh!
Server = fanir.de
# "Default" is 6667. An often used port for SSL would be 6697, if SSL would be
# supported. Maybe in a future, far far away...
Port = 6667
# Serverpassword. Empty in most cases.
ServerPasswd =
# A comma-seperated list of channels to join.
# The channels must be enclosed with quotation marks ("")!
Channels = "#bots", "#your_channel"
# The encodings to try when getting messages from IRC. Will be tried in the given order.
# The first one is used to encode data when sending stuff.
# The list given shoud do just fine in most networks, I assume.
# Also comma seperated.
Encodings = utf-8, latin-1, iso-8859-1, cp1252
# The list of nicknames to try. If the first one is not aviable, it will
# try the second, and so on...
# You should specfy at least two nicks.
Nicknames = chalkbot, chalkbot_, chalkbot__
# Also known as username. Some IRC-internal.
# By default, the nickname will be used as ident.
Ident = chalkbot
Realname = A ChalkBot Instance
# Command for registering with nickserv, without leading slash.
NickservCommand =
Modes = +iB
# List of users (hostmasks as regex) and the commands they are allowed to execute.
# * can be used instead of commands to allow every command. You should append a trailing comma.
# All command names should be lowercase.
yournickname\!yourusername@.* = *,
\!@some other user = join, part, invite
.*\!murderer@(localhost|127(\.0){2}\.1) = die,
# The prefix for commands for the bot.
CommandPrefix = !
# Which way should be used to speak to users?
# "" (Nothing) means the type of the incoming message should be used.
# One of: NOTICE, PRIVMSG, "" (Nothing)
QueryType =
# With how much information do you want to be annoyed?
# DEBUG spams most, FATAL least. WARNING should be a good tradeoff.
Loglevel = WARNING
# Time to wait between two PRIVMSGS in seconds.
# Can prevent the bot from running into flood limits.
MsgWaitTime = 0.1
# The time the parser for incoming data should wait between each attempt to read new data in seconds.
# High values will certainly make the bot reply slowly while very low values increads cpu load and therefore will perform badly on slow machines.
# You should keep it between 1 and 0.001 seconds.
# For gods sake, don't ever set it to 0!
ParserWaitTime = 0.05
Active = True
Active = False
ApiKey = your_api_key