NAME = 'captcha_form'; $form->METHOD = 'GET'; $form->ACTION = ''; $form->debug = 'error_log'; $error = $form->AddInput(array( 'TYPE'=>'custom', 'ID'=>'captcha', 'LABEL'=>'Enter the following text:', 'ACCESSKEY'=>'E', 'CustomClass'=>'form_recaptcha_class', 'Key'=>$key, 'PrivateKey'=>$private_key, // 'ValidationErrorMessage'=>'It was not entered the correct text.', // 'DependentValidation'=>'', // 'InputClass'=>'', // 'InputStyle'=>'', // 'InputTabIndex'=>10, // 'InputExtraAttributes'=>array(), /* 'Format'=>'
{instructions_visual}{instructions_audio} {input}
{refresh_btn} {visual_challenge}{audio_challenge} {help_btn}
',*/ /* 'Text'=>array( 'instructions_visual'=>'Enter the words above', 'instructions_audio'=>'Enter the numbers you hear', 'visual_challenge'=>'Enter text in an image instead', 'audio_challenge'=>'Enter numbers you hear instead', 'refresh_btn'=>'Try another', 'help_btn'=>'Help', 'play_again'=>'Play the sound again', 'cant_hear_this'=>'Download the sound as a MP3 file', 'image_alt_text'=>'Image with text to enter' ) */ )); if(strlen($error)) die('Error: '.$error); $form->AddInput(array( 'TYPE'=>'submit', 'VALUE'=>'Submit', 'NAME'=>'doit' )); /* * Always check if LoadInputValues returns any errors to detect any * configuration or reCAPTCHA access problem */ if(strlen($error = $form->LoadInputValues($form->WasSubmitted('doit')))) die('Error processing reCAPTCHA response: '.$error); $verify = array(); if($form->WasSubmitted('doit')) { if(($error_message = $form->Validate($verify))=='') $doit = 1; else { $doit = 0; $error_message = HtmlSpecialChars($error_message); } } else { $error_message = ''; $doit = 0; } if(!$doit) $form->ConnectFormToInput('captcha', 'ONLOAD', 'Focus', array()); $onload = HtmlSpecialChars($form->PageLoad()); ?> Test for Manuel Lemos' PHP form class using the reCAPTCHA plug-in input

Test for Manuel Lemos' PHP form class using the reCAPTCHA plug-in input

The entered text GetInputValue('captcha'); ?> is correct.

StartLayoutCapture(); $title = 'Form CAPTCHA plug-in test'; $body_template = 'form_captcha_body.html.php'; include('templates/form_frame.html.php'); $form->EndLayoutCapture(); $form->DisplayOutput(); } ?>