from random import shuffle, choice, randint from time import sleep from sys import stdout from os import listdir, path def p(t): stdout.write(t) stdout.flush() RED='\033[91m' GREEN='\033[92m' RESET='\033[0m' def runhack(f): while True: t = choice(f) s = ("%-70s" % (t()+".....") ) p(s) sleep(randint(1,20)/10.0) fail = (randint(1,5)==1) while fail: p("["+RED+"FAIL"+RESET+"]\n") p(s) sleep(randint(1,20)/10.0) fail = (randint(1,5)==1) p("["+GREEN+"DONE"+RESET+"]\n") if __name__ == "__main__": runhack([ lambda: "Tracing IP %d.%d.%d.%d" % (randint(10,192), randint(0,254), randint(0,254), randint(1,70) ), lambda: "Exploiting Port %d" % randint(5,1024), lambda: "Reroute it to the spaghetti. Keep it in the loop", lambda: "Crack Steam-powered defense system", lambda: "Starting internet explorer", lambda: "Trying exploit 0x%X" % (randint(0,2**16)), lambda: ("Injecting red code into %s") % (lambda p: choice(list(filter(lambda e: path.isfile(e), [path.join(p,f) for f in listdir(p)]))))("/etc"), lambda: "Encrypting code", lambda: "Collect user hashes", lambda: "Connect to %s" % choice(["", "", "", "", ""]), lambda: "Hacking" ])