364 lines
16 KiB
364 lines
16 KiB
from Lights.Lights import Light
from Objects.Objects import Object
from Objects.Renderable import Renderable
from Objects.Structure import Structure
from MatrixStuff.Transformations import translate
from OpenGL.GLU import *
from OpenGL.GL import *
import math
import numpy as np
class WorldChunk(Structure):
def __init__(self, width: int, length: int, height: int, programs: dict):
assert width > 0, 'Width must be greater than 0'
assert length > 0, 'length must be greater than 0'
assert height > 0, 'height must be greater than 0'
super(WorldChunk, self).__init__()
self.visible = []
self.content = []
self.entities = []
self.lights = []
self.width = width
self.length = length
self.height = height
self.programs = programs
for x in range(width):
for y in range(length):
for z in range(height):
def put_object(self, x: int, y: int, z: int, new_object: Object):
assert 0 <= x < self.width, 'Put out of bounds for x coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.width
assert 0 <= y < self.length, 'Put out of bounds for y coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.length
assert 0 <= z < self.height, 'Put out of bounds for z coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.height
no_visibility_changes = (self.content[x][y][z] is None) == (new_object is None)
self.content[x][y][z] = new_object
new_object.translate(translate(x, y, z))
change = -1 if new_object is not None else 1
visible_carry_over = []
if not no_visibility_changes:
if x + 1 >= self.width:
visible_carry_over.append((1, 0, 0, change))
self.visible[x + 1][y][z] += change
if x - 1 < 0:
visible_carry_over.append((-1, 0, 0, change))
self.visible[x - 1][y][z] += change
if y + 1 >= self.length:
visible_carry_over.append((0, 1, 0, change))
self.visible[x][y + 1][z] += change
if y - 1 < 0:
visible_carry_over.append((0, -1, 0, change))
self.visible[x][y - 1][z] += change
if z + 1 >= self.height:
visible_carry_over.append((0, 0, 1, change))
self.visible[x][y][z + 1] += change
if z - 1 < 0:
visible_carry_over.append((0, 0, -1, change))
self.visible[x][y][z - 1] += change
return visible_carry_over
def get_object(self, x: int, y: int, z: int):
assert 0 <= x < self.width, 'Put out of bounds for x coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.width
assert 0 <= y < self.length, 'Put out of bounds for y coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.length
assert 0 <= z < self.height, 'Put out of bounds for z coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.height
return self.content[x][y][z]
def apply_visible_carry_over(self, x: int, y: int, z: int, change: int):
assert 0 <= x < self.width, 'Apply visible out of bounds for x coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.width
assert 0 <= y < self.length, 'Apply visible out of bounds for y coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.length
assert 0 <= z < self.height, 'Apply visible out of bounds for z coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.height
self.visible[x][y][z] += change
def set_visibility(self, x: int, y: int, z: int, visibility: int):
assert 0 <= x < self.width, 'Apply visible out of bounds for x coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.width
assert 0 <= y < self.length, 'Apply visible out of bounds for y coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.length
assert 0 <= z < self.height, 'Apply visible out of bounds for z coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.height
self.visible[x][y][z] = visibility
def buildvertexArrays(self):
if self.dirty:
self.vais = {}
objects = {}
counts = {}
for x in range(self.width):
for y in range(self.length):
for z in range(self.height):
if self.content[x][y][z] is not None: # and self.visible[x][y][z] > 0: TODO: check visibility...
if self.programs[type(self.content[x][y][z])] not in objects.keys():
objects[self.programs[type(self.content[x][y][z])]] = []
counts[self.programs[type(self.content[x][y][z])]] = 0
counts[self.programs[type(self.content[x][y][z])]] += 1
for key, object_list in objects.items():
tvai = GLuint(0)
tpbi = GLuint(0)
tcbi = GLuint(0)
tsbi = GLuint(0)
glGenVertexArrays(1, tvai)
vid = glGetAttribLocation(key, "in_position")
tpbi = glGenBuffers(1)
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, tpbi)
positions = []
for o in object_list:
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, np.array(positions, dtype=np.float32), GL_STATIC_DRAW)
glVertexAttribPointer(vid, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, None)
self.check_error("Could not create position buffer")
colors = []
for o in object_list:
tcbi = glGenBuffers(1)
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, tcbi)
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, np.array(colors, dtype=np.float32), GL_STATIC_DRAW)
vc = glGetAttribLocation(key, "MyInColor")
if vc != -1:
glVertexAttribPointer(vc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, None)
self.check_error("Could not create color buffer")
if hasattr(object_list[0], 'size'):
sizes = []
for o in object_list:
tsbi = glGenBuffers(1)
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, tsbi)
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, np.array(sizes, dtype=np.float32), GL_STATIC_DRAW)
vs = glGetAttribLocation(key, "MyInSize")
if vs != -1:
glVertexAttribPointer(vs, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, None)
self.check_error("Could not create size buffer")
self.vais[key] = (tvai, tpbi, tcbi, tsbi, counts[key])
self.dirty = False
def render(self, proj_matrix, geometry_rot_matrix, alternate_programs=None):
super(WorldChunk, self).render(proj_matrix, geometry_rot_matrix, alternate_programs)
for entity in self.entities:
entity.render(proj_matrix, geometry_rot_matrix, alternate_programs)
def set_color(self, x: int, y: int, z: int, r: float, g: float, b: float):
assert 0 <= x < self.width, 'Put out of bounds for x coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.width
assert 0 <= y < self.length, 'Put out of bounds for y coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.length
assert 0 <= z < self.height, 'Put out of bounds for z coordinate! Must be between 0 and %i' % self.height
if self.content[x][y][z] is not None:
self.content[x][y][z].setColor(r, g, b)
self.dirty = True
class World(Renderable):
def __init__(self, chunk_size_x: int, chunk_size_y: int, chunk_size_z: int,
chunk_n_x: int, chunk_n_y: int, chunk_n_z: int, programs: dict):
super(World, self).__init__()
self.chunk_size_x = chunk_size_x
self.chunk_size_y = chunk_size_y
self.chunk_size_z = chunk_size_z
self.chunk_n_x = chunk_n_x
self.chunk_n_y = chunk_n_y
self.chunk_n_z = chunk_n_z
self.programs = programs
self.chunks: [[[WorldChunk]]] = []
for x in range(chunk_n_x):
for y in range(chunk_n_y):
for z in range(chunk_n_z):
def set_color(self, x: int, y: int, z: int, r: float, g: float, b: float):
x = x % (self.chunk_size_x * self.chunk_n_x)
y = y % (self.chunk_size_y * self.chunk_n_y)
z = z % (self.chunk_size_z * self.chunk_n_z)
chunk_x = int(x / self.chunk_size_x)
chunk_y = int(y / self.chunk_size_y)
chunk_z = int(z / self.chunk_size_z)
if self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z] is not None:
self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z].set_color(x % self.chunk_size_x,
y % self.chunk_size_y,
z % self.chunk_size_z,
r, g, b)
def put_object(self, x: int, y: int, z: int, new_object: Object):
x = x % (self.chunk_size_x * self.chunk_n_x)
y = y % (self.chunk_size_y * self.chunk_n_y)
z = z % (self.chunk_size_z * self.chunk_n_z)
chunk_x = int(x / self.chunk_size_x)
chunk_y = int(y / self.chunk_size_y)
chunk_z = int(z / self.chunk_size_z)
if self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z] is None:
self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z] = WorldChunk(self.chunk_size_x, self.chunk_size_y, self.chunk_size_z, self.programs)
carry_overs = self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z].put_object(x % self.chunk_size_x,
y % self.chunk_size_y,
z % self.chunk_size_z,
for carry_over in carry_overs:
if self.chunks[(chunk_x + carry_over[0]) % self.chunk_n_x][(chunk_y + carry_over[1]) % self.chunk_n_y][(chunk_z + carry_over[2]) % self.chunk_n_z] is not None:
(chunk_x + carry_over[0]) % self.chunk_n_x][
(chunk_y + carry_over[1]) % self.chunk_n_y][
(chunk_z + carry_over[2]) % self.chunk_n_z].apply_visible_carry_over(
(x + carry_over[0]) % self.chunk_size_x,
(y + carry_over[1]) % self.chunk_size_y,
(z + carry_over[2]) % self.chunk_size_z,
(chunk_x + carry_over[0]) % self.chunk_n_x][
(chunk_y + carry_over[1]) % self.chunk_n_y][
(chunk_z + carry_over[2]) % self.chunk_n_z].dirty = True
visibility = 6
neighbour = self.get_object(x - 1, y, z)
if neighbour is not None:
visibility -= 1
neighbour = self.get_object(x + 1, y, z)
if neighbour is not None:
visibility -= 1
neighbour = self.get_object(x, y - 1, z)
if neighbour is not None:
visibility -= 1
neighbour = self.get_object(x, y + 1, z)
if neighbour is not None:
visibility -= 1
neighbour = self.get_object(x, y, z - 1)
if neighbour is not None:
visibility -= 1
neighbour = self.get_object(x, y, z + 1)
if neighbour is not None:
visibility -= 1
self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z].set_visibility(x % self.chunk_size_x,
y % self.chunk_size_y,
z % self.chunk_size_z,
self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z].dirty = True
def get_object(self, x: int, y: int, z: int):
x = x % (self.chunk_size_x * self.chunk_n_x)
y = y % (self.chunk_size_y * self.chunk_n_y)
z = z % (self.chunk_size_z * self.chunk_n_z)
chunk_x = int(x / self.chunk_size_x)
chunk_y = int(y / self.chunk_size_y)
chunk_z = int(z / self.chunk_size_z)
if self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z] is None:
return None
return self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z].get_object(x % self.chunk_size_x,
y % self.chunk_size_y,
z % self.chunk_size_z)
def render(self, proj_matrix, geometry_rot_matrix, alternate_programs=None):
for x in range(self.chunk_n_x):
for y in range(self.chunk_n_y):
for z in range(self.chunk_n_z):
if self.chunks[x][y][z] is not None:
self.chunks[x][y][z].render(translate(x * self.chunk_size_x,
y * self.chunk_size_y,
z * self.chunk_size_z) * proj_matrix,
geometry_rot_matrix, alternate_programs)
def add_light(self, x: float, y: float, z: float, l: Light):
x = x % (self.chunk_size_x * self.chunk_n_x)
y = y % (self.chunk_size_y * self.chunk_n_y)
z = z % (self.chunk_size_z * self.chunk_n_z)
chunk_x = int(x / self.chunk_size_x)
chunk_y = int(y / self.chunk_size_y)
chunk_z = int(z / self.chunk_size_z)
if self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z] is None:
self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z] = WorldChunk(self.chunk_size_x, self.chunk_size_y, self.chunk_size_z, self.programs)
l.pos = [x, y, z]
def remove_light(self, l: Light):
chunk_x = int(l.pos[0] / self.chunk_size_x)
chunk_y = int(l.pos[1] / self.chunk_size_y)
chunk_z = int(l.pos[2] / self.chunk_size_z)
if self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z] is None:
return False
if l in self.chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y][chunk_z].lights:
return True
return False
def move_light(self, l: Light, target_x: float, target_y: float, target_z: float):
self.add_light(target_x, target_y, target_z, l)
def get_lights_to_render(self, pos, distance):
distance_x = math.ceil(float(distance) / self.chunk_size_x)
distance_y = math.ceil(float(distance) / self.chunk_size_y)
distance_z = math.ceil(float(distance) / self.chunk_size_z)
pos_x = int(pos[0] / self.chunk_size_x)
pos_y = int(pos[1] / self.chunk_size_y)
pos_z = int(pos[2] / self.chunk_size_z)
lights = []
for x in range(distance_x):
for y in range(distance_y):
for z in range(distance_z):
chunk = self.chunks[(pos_x + x) % self.chunk_n_x][(pos_y + y) % self.chunk_n_y][(pos_z + z) % self.chunk_n_z]
if chunk is not None:
lights += chunk.lights
return lights